The Little Prince.

Yes, I did get a bit teary and nostalgic over my toast this morning as I browsed the first photos the world got to see of Baby Cambridge and his parents as they left hospital for home.

They were just like any other new parents excited to be leaving hospital and heading home to a house full of family, baby paraphenalia and the little familiar things you miss like mad when you’ve stayed the night in a hospital room. Those grins are so infectious, I’m sitting here smiling along with them and wishing the three of them all the very best for the first few weeks at home. That the journey to sleepy town will never be a lengthy one for Baby C and that his parents will only be given as many poonamis as they can handle in a given day and that none of these will happen on a surface not well covered with washable sheets.

And thank you from the bottom of my heart, Duchess, for being ‘real’ and looking so beautiful and radiant in doing so. The mothers from the real world salute you.

Image courtesy of CBS New York.

And here’s the Little Prince himself. Oblivious to the attention of the world’s press and passionately using his hands to express himself. Safely buckled into his car seat for the ride home, I wonder if he’s thinking what I’m thinking. Did his parents make any emergency pit stops on the drive home for sushi, decent coffee or a carton of fresh milk? If so, did they carry him with them rather than risk the added complexity of trying to set the pram up for the first time, in the car park and without the 60 page wordless instruction manual?

The press are reporting that the new family will be staying at Kate’s parents’ for a few weeks. Having your mum around for moral support in the first few weeks is definitely more of a must have than a perfectly decorated baby nursery. Having someone who’s been there and done that and who’ll have a cup of tea with you during the more challenging moments does things for your nerves that middle of the night googling on your iPad can’t quite match. It also gives you a new perspective on your mum and your relationship changes as you speak to each other as one mother to another.



On the day the news actually broke, mum and I were nestled on the sofa with cups of tea. Kochie and the rest of the Sunrise team were toasting the Prince with champagne.



Which I had thought of myself when the news first broke about the Duchess going to hospital in early labour on Monday night. Unfortunately, my bottle of champagne is still chilling in the fridge unopened. There’s been no time for bubbles in our house. Baby SSG has decided to assert his independence whenever he has the chance. He’s beginning to feed himself and as the days pass, less food is actually ending up on his face but I’m still spending most of the time between his meals chasing stray food around the house and finding it on parts of Baby SSG I missed as I tried to clean his squirming body before releasing him from his high chair.


And then there’s the small issue about his learning to crawl. The change table is a commando course for him as he tries to scale its sides. Piles of laundry in his path are climbed over. His cot is no longer the safe house it used to be.


In hindsight, a glass of something may well have helped.
Baby SSG has been unfazed at the arrival of Baby Cambridge. He’s got bigger issues on his mind.
Like how quinoa porridge may well be the breakfast of choice for the foodies of Sydney, but it’s not really his thing. Being a creature of habit (already), its either yoghurt or rice cereal mixed with fruit or nothing at all, thank you very much.
So now the freezer is full of pretty, pastel coloured tubs of banana, strawberry and quinoa porridge which I’ll just have to eat myself.


I’m off now to begin the wait for the avalanche of magazines that will be landing at the supermarket to commemorate Baby Cambridge. But before I finish for today, I’d like to quote the ever eloquent President Obama and The First Lady’s message to the new family:

“Michelle and I are so pleased to congratulate The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge on the joyous occasion of the birth of their first child.

We wish them all the happiness and blessings parenthood brings. The child enters the world at a time of promise and opportunity for our two nations. Given the special relationship between us, the American people are pleased to join with the people of the United Kingdom as they celebrate the birth of the young prince.”

Congratulations again, William and Kate! Enjoy the rollercoaster ride of these first few weeks as best you can with your families around you to share the joy and laughter. That six week check seems an awfully long way away but you will make it until then, I promise. Ad when you get there, you’ll actually be in a frame of mind to share a joke or two with your obstetrician and even have a chat about where he’s off to next on his holidays.


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