Suburban Zen.

I’m very comfortable with the fact that it’s going to be Friday tomorrow.  The weekend is also in my sights.  We’re catching up with our good friends from mothers group on Saturday and Sunday is going to be proudly brought to you by the words ‘low’ and ‘activity’.

Today, meanwhile, was all about finding the zen wherever I could.

It was there when I stood for a moment in the shopping centre car park around 5pm.  I’d survived the extreme driving and parking conditions of said car park during the afternoon rush and various things had managed to get done in the effervescent but extreme risk taking company of Preschooler SSG.  The air was cool and crisp, the sky a fading blue.  I was standing on and surrounded by concrete but the bare winter trees were in my line of sight.  It was quiet and still and what else can a girl do when faced with all of this but sneak a few minutes of deep breathing and mind clearing on the exhale?

My 4pm coffee was paradoxically calming despite its caffeine load.

I sipped at it as we tackled my shopping list.  And I sipped at it some more as Preschooler SSG took charge of the self check out.  He’s great at identifying what he’s scanning from the fruit and veg tabs but you do need to make sure he doesn’t weigh himself with the 50 grams of $20/kg fresh ginger you’re buying.  

Have you ever toasted sesame seeds over the stove?  I tried this method with a cast iron frying pan lined with baking paper.  It only takes a few minutes and gently stirring those smooth white seeds was, you guessed it, meditative.

How’s this week been treating you?  Have you had a chance to be still and present today?

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