Life This Week 5/6/2017: The View From Here.

It’s early on a Thursday afternoon and I’m at home.  Our plans for today have changed, effectively leaving Preschooler SSG and I with an entire day off together.  It’s sunny outside but the winds are howling as they send icy gusts right through our puffer jackets and fleece.  I’ve caught up on the housework, we’ve taken a walk in said sun to warm up a bit, we’ve read together and now we each have a little time alone but together.  We’re both battling coughs and feeling a little under the weather so quiet indoor time is the order of the rest of today.

Low activity days like this are few and far between for me so I’m torn between ‘making the most of it’ and getting ahead with paperwork and just sitting it out with my laptop and my favourite playlists on iTunes.  The sitting it out wins.  Which explains my view from here … my laptop, mouse (laptop tracking pads make my wrists sore) and headphones.  Not pictured is a steaming mug of tea, my trusty Explorer socks and the heater.  I don’t see myself moving for the foreseeable future, to be honest.

I’m not actually getting that much done to be honest.  From time to time a song comes up on a playlist and my mind flits off to recall some memory I’ve bonded to it.  I have about 14 windows open in Chrome but I’m only actively clicking between Blogger, my emails and the socials.  It could be worse, at least I don’t have an etail site open with an active shopping cart.

The experts tell us that rather than having some downtime, what I’m actually doing is staying switched on.  I see where they’re coming from but they needn’t worry on my account.  I limbered up with some yoga before logging on.  And I’m in my pyjamas.

What’s your view right now?  How is making you feel?

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