And Breathe…..

And exhale…..  it has been quite a week.  Confronting situations, challenging people, disruptions and distractions. 

But I’m here.  Survived it all.  Not sure if I’ve thrived but I think hindsight will help clarify that.

In the meantime, isn’t our world a beautiful place?

Master SSG’s class teacher sent this photo to all the class parents this afternoon.  It’s a photo the school drone took from the olive grove out the front of their classroom.  The olive grove itself is decked out in wind chimes and rain gauges they’ve made in class.  It’s been endlessly fascinating going along for the ride that is Master SSG’s learning experience in Year 1 this year.

These technicoloured sunsets make the fact that it’s pitch black outside by 5pm bearable.

There’s been much to love about this challenging week at ground level too.  I had an amazing run on Tuesday and got to see a film crew set up as I did so.

There were rainbows …via school readers.

There was that memory filled scent of fresh Lemon Crisp biscuits nestled in a recycled Moccona jar.

I’ve spent a lot of time with my foam roller attacking all those muscles I love a bit too much when I go running and I’ve done lots of deep breathing.

And I got to see a little more Year 1 art on display at school.

So many moments of joy in amongst the relatively few challenges.  Funny how it’s taken longer to gather and reflect upon these good things while remembering (and silently fuming) about the annoyances happened almost instantly….

How’s your week been?

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