Lovin’ Life 5/3/2020: Preparedness.

This week I’m grateful, perhaps even lovin’ the privilege of being able to plan and prepare my little household for whatever consequences Sydney will suffer in the event that a coronavirus pandemic is declared in Australia (link to a sensible and practical article from the ABC).  

I’m aware that I sound dramatic and possibly even crazy but I think we take so much for granted living in this country of ours.  Our orderly roads in good repair.  Our clean sidewalks.  Our efficient waste collection system.  Our reliable access to utilities outside periods of a natural disaster.  Our media that provides wide and unbiased coverage of all angles of the progress of the infection around the world.
But, it can all change so quickly if the decision is suddenly made for us to all limit our interactions in public areas to reduce the risk of the infection spreading.  No spur of the moment trips to the shops, potentially no regular deliveries of stock to said shops, no supplies of regular medications at chemists, lack of human power to fix supplies of gas, electricity and water if these technicians themselves are to be quarantined too.  In short a strange post-apocalyptic world we’d normally associate with a Hemsworth brother Hollywood blockbuster rather than the streets of the suburbs we call home.

I changed my mind over the weekend.  From being a ‘she’ll be right, are you aware Australia is a first-world nation, eye-rolling nonbeliever’ to someone I hope is being practical and doing what they can to reduce my being a stress on the system that is likely to become overburdened in the event of a national emergency.  
We went to the supermarket on the weekend to begin stocking up on non-perishable food and drink that we could also potentially share with neighbours if need be.  I am fortunate that our household budget extends to being able to do this.  I’ve checked the batteries in our torches and will make sure we have enough spares stocked as well.  I’ve tried not to over-buy but at the same time I also now realize that perhaps I really should go back for extra toilet paper and water.
Let the records reflect that my Stateside shopathons serve some practical purpose months and months after the event.  It appears that there is a nationwide shortage of hand sanitizer at the moment.  Fortunately, I have my stash of minis from Bath & Body Works to see us through.
I hope it will be a case of Murphy’s Law.  That our collective preparedness and the calm but sobering advice from the Federal Government won’t be necessary in the end but with so much uncertainty and so many new developments each day at least I feel that I am doing what I can.
How about you?  Has the last week or so changed your stance on whether or not to prepare your family for a potential pandemic?

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