Emerging From the Last Few Months.

I’m going to miss the rhythm of this somewhat crazy ‘keep on keeping on’ rhythm of life that the virus imposed upon me all those weeks ago.  The quiet roads, the under scheduled weekdays, the home-bodied-ness focus of each week, the discovery of simpler things as a source of immense joy. 

Australia has done an amazing job of flattening our curve and with that impressive achievement comes the gradual return to normal life.  Which means work-life is also heading back to normal as well.

This coming Monday will be last Monday in scrubs.
And by extension, the last Monday which sees me being able to wear sweats to work.  I don’t even know how and if I’ll still be able to fit into my normal work clothes….  The iso life saw me being both less active and more hungry for things like fish and chips.  As for makeup?  I’ll be relying on muscle memory there.
I have all kinds of memories of the last few months and the things I did with all the time I suddenly found myself with.
I played all kinds of board games with Master SSG.
I got out into the garden and while I spent most of the time raking and trimming, I also managed to keep my spring onions alive and thriving.
Did you really live through Covid-19 if you didn’t celebrate being able to find yeast at the supermarket by making your own bread?  Despite finding that bread was actually the one thing that didn’t sell out as fast as toilet paper.
Holidays and special occasions looked a little different this year.
Easter featured homemade pancakes and an indoor egg hunt.
While Mother’s Day was celebrated together but apart as we Facetimed and messaged the mothers in our lives across the day.  
Together but apart has been a recurring theme through these last few months.  Despite the physical distance I’ve had to maintain from family and friends, we’ve remained steadfastly in each other’s hearts and minds and devices 🙂
It took a virus (and a solid week of days off) to help me find joy in doing the ironing and tackling all my life admin.

I’ve printed out, researched and filed away all manner of things that will hopefully keep life on track until the next pandemic. I also found a safe house for my eraser to protect it from the Bermuda Triangle effect of the home study desk but that’s a story for another day….

I haven’t got anything more exciting to report on the gastronomy front except to say that I just can’t eat cauliflower rice.  I’ve heard it tastes better fried but I can’t get past the smell.  It looks just like the real thing, plates up just like the real thing but that smell.  I can’t ever be at peace with it.  Give me cauliflower cheese, cauliflower steak or even roasted cauliflower but not the rice.  Please, not the rice…
The last few months have seen me make my own joy and happiness where once I would have simply outsourced it to things like overseas adventures or some cheeky discretionary spending.
Staying home has not only saved lives, it’s also found me enjoying what I have and making rather than getting.
As I begin opening that back door a bit more and venturing to places that aren’t work, school, the shops or my running route – I hope I’ll also be able to bring my isolation life perspective with me.

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