Category: Uncategorized

  • Lovin’ Life 20/8/2020: Apricot Chicken.

    Lovin’ Life 20/8/2020: Apricot Chicken.

    As a long time Megan Thee Stallion and Cardi B fan, it was my duty as a run of the mill, sometime TikTok-er (watching not uploading…. definitely not uploading) middle-aged mum to do a bit of Googling around WAP, the song the duo recently released. Oh dear.  Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.  Cardi, I’m…

  • Life This Week 17/8/2020: Anticipation.

    Life This Week 17/8/2020: Anticipation.

    Life this week has been about the anticipation of what lies ahead. I’m another year older. I know I’m stronger and wiser.  I’ve hoped as much with previous birthdays but at 45, you just know. There’s a certainty and confidence in life when you’re decidedly in the mid-forties.  I think it comes from having been…

  • Lovin’ Life 13/8/2020: Five Things,

    Lovin’ Life 13/8/2020: Five Things,

    Five things that made me smile this week…. Festively packaged strawberries at the fancy food hall in the next suburb.  Of course, a tray of strawberries came home with me. This is how the middle-aged treat themselves after a long day at work.  With fresh fruit, not the fermented kind one might find at Dan’s.…

  • Life This Week 10/8/2020: Why Did I?

    Life This Week 10/8/2020: Why Did I?

    Why did I take this photo? It was one of those days that I knew would be mainly sponsored by the words ‘challenging’ and ‘hectic’ with co-sponsorship from the attitude ‘just keep on keeping on’.  There was my usual work to be done with the added bonuses of live data updating (don’t ask, I’m sitting…

  • Lovin’ Life 6/8/2020: Sunny Days and Sunny Colours.

    Lovin’ Life 6/8/2020: Sunny Days and Sunny Colours.

    If you believe it hard enough, it will happen, right? Life’s not exactly great right now for so many of us but somehow, the sun and the warmth it has brought have made me feel that things will get back to normal.  I don’t know when and I don’t know how but when I look…

  • Life This Week 3/8/2020: Food Lately.

    Life This Week 3/8/2020: Food Lately.

    The last week or so in food, through the lens of my iPhone.   Spoiler: the theme accidentally ended up being ‘on the junkier side of things’.  Your judgement is richly deserved. I finally got my hands on a packet of Reese’s peanut butter chips.  I was underwhelmed.  Alone, they taste like white chocolate that smells…

  • A Sentence (or Two) A Day: July 2020.

    A Sentence (or Two) A Day: July 2020.

    It was basically about focusing on the small wins at the exclusion of the not so great stuff this month.  Wherever and whenever they could be found.   Enforced downtime in the queue at the supermarket, a long weekend in the snow (okay so not technically a ‘small’ win), days at the park.  They made the…

  • Lovin’ Life 30/7/2020: An Old Favourite.

    Lovin’ Life 30/7/2020: An Old Favourite.

    My bottle of a much loved but ridiculously expensive perfume has been sitting untouched since the spring of last year. Let’s call it Frivolous Fragrance #1. It’s a heady fragrance.  At its heart are notes of Turkish rose and from there it travels to notes of cinnamon, incense and sandalwood.  I feel dressed whenever I…

  • Life This Week 27/7/2020: Five Things.

    Life This Week 27/7/2020: Five Things.

    I’m writing this post on a Saturday afternoon.  After a restorative walk around the park this morning and before I have to empty the dishwasher.  It’s that time of the year, isn’t it?  A balance of trying to actually relax on the weekend but also trying to catch up on your to-do list while you’re…

  • Canberra. Jindabyne. Home.

    Canberra.  Jindabyne.  Home.

    Nancy Sinatra, these boots were made for walking. And walk we did. On the other side of our road trip. Time flies when you get to hold the brownies in the car and your pit stops are punctuated with coffee. Canberra was looking Friday afternoon fabulous.  The universe has its methods.  Throughout all the chaos…